Run your application on the flexible EK0 cloud and experience greatness.
Easily resize your plan when resources start to run low.
No need to worry about slow network speeds.
Getting your application live is as simple as a click of a button. Everything you need - provided in a clear way.
Manage your Applications easily and with more freedom.
Many different plans suited for your Application.
vCPUs | Memory | Storage | Bandwidth | Hourly Pricing | Monthly Pricing | |
1 vCPU | 0.5 GB | 25 GB | 0.5 TB | $0.004 / hr | $2.99 / mo | Deploy |
1 vCPU | 1 GB | 30 GB | 1 TB | $0.006 / hr | $4.49 / mo | Deploy |
1 vCPU | 2 GB | 50 GB | 1 TB | $0.010 / hr | $7.99 | Deploy |
2 vCPU | 2 GB | 80 GB | 2 TB | $0.016 / hr | $11.99 / mo | Deploy |
2 vCPU | 4 GB | 120 GB | 3 TB | $0.020 / hr | $14.99 / mo | Deploy |
4 vCPU | 8 GB | 200 GB | 5 TB | $0.047 / hr | $34.99 / mo | Deploy |
Let our experts help you effectively build, grow and
manage your Sites and Applications.
EK0 Compute
EK0 LyNet
Website Design
Managed SEO